Category Archives: World

Watch this Video

Albertine Video by Brooke Fraser

Check this video out. Then check out the new Children’s Cup Engage Site if you want to start helping the kids in Africa.

I promise that you won’t regret getting involved!

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.

That quote is from Mother Teresa. I was so excited when I found this tonight because it goes along with the thought I wrote about in my first post and one I’ve had for quite a while–changing A world. There are so many quotes from her that follow this same idea.

Here’s another one: “Jesus said love one another. He didn’t say love the whole world.” Again, it’s to keep reminding us that it’s about an individual–not an overwhelming, almost unachievable task. All the statistics on AIDS and poverty tend to push us away from doing anything because we feel like making a real difference is an unattainable goal.

I can be so driven by people talking about “changing the world.” I love that idea. But when it gets down to it, how does that happen?

I’m an “all or nothing” person. If I can’t do it all and do it now, then I don’t want to do it at all. So this is something that is huge for me to remind myself of continually.

Yeah, of course, it would be great if we could wipe out AIDS and poverty and everybody could live happily ever after. But God didn’t promise that for now–He promised it for eternity. So our real goal is to introduce people to Christ so that their “happily ever after” can come true.

Everywhere you look, there are opportunities to show the love of Christ to the people around you. “Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.”–Mother Teresa

One last quote to wrap it up: “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

Hopefully, we don’t get overwhelmed by the mass needs of a world that is hurting and become missing drops, but we’ll add our single drops to the ocean for the cause of Christ and see multitudes of people in Heaven.

Tiger Takes on Iraq

A good friend of ours just posted on his blog about heading back to Iraq. Shane Comeaux–Cajun Tiger–is going a second time to serve there. What an incredibly hard place to have to go! Shane, you’re more than brave and definitely stand out as a world changer.

A couple of my other friends, Carole Turner and Aimee’ Poche’ posted lately about the recent rescue by our soldiers of special needs boys in an orphanage in Baghdad. Carole nailed it with the need to be praying for the soldiers and people serving so courageously in the war on terror. Thanks for the wake up call. We tend to get caught up in the day-to-day junk in our lives and just forget… and worse than forgetting is that it becomes just “the way it is” and we become accustomed to hearing about it.

We’ll be praying for you continually, Shane. And when you get back I’ll resume my recruiting efforts for getting you on as a missionary with Children’s Cup.

Be safe!